Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rock Star Recognized

We left Cozy Ridge, OH in the rain and pulled into Crooked Creek Horse Park, PA in the rain.  Now Les and I have a little different idea of a good camp site.  I saw open spaces, green fields and great barns.  Les saw mud.  Admittedly, it was not ideal for our 5th wheel.  After we were set up the weekend could not have been more perfect. We are at Crooked Creek to observe and assist at a gaited horse clinic that Axel and Dawn will participate in.  Dawn, Axel, and three more friends checked in shortly.  It was so nice to see them.  Dawn has Axel in great shape and he looks terrific.  My happy role for the weekend was stable hand.  When Axels needs were met there were plenty of ladies that could use and extra hand.  Dawn and Axel worked in front of the clinician Liz Graves for an hour Saturday and Sunday.  I love Axel and was nervous for him (In true Axel form he could have cared less).  Dawn and Axel had taken a couple of laps around the arena and Liz asked them to come to stop in front of the observers.  So……. She had done this before with other horses that day, unsaddled them and showed us how much pain the horse was in, that they had bad feet, joints or that their backs were out of alignment.  She had even told owners that their horse shouldn’t be ridden until these things were addressed.  Not Axel!!!!! She pointed out how he was a great representative of the traditional Peruvian breed.  He has perfect scapulas for shoulder and leg movement and the longer ligaments in the hocks for forward movement.  She bragged on him for almost a half hour.  It was terrific.  For any of you that know Axel he is a sweet horse with a great gait but just a bit different looking by “normal” horse standards.  It was so nice hearing an expert elevate him to the rock star status we always knew he deserved.  It was so great seeing Dawn gait Axel with no bit in his mouth.  That horse can move and I do think many believers for Peruvians came out of that weekend.  Dawn and Axel are such a perfect fit for each other.  Les and I are so happy for them.  The day ended with a banquet and lots of conversation. It was a terrific weekend.  In addition to Axels praise I learned several new tips to help me communicate with my horse Sophie better.   I love traveling but I do miss riding. 

Sunday we all said our goodbyes and headed to Virginia.   The Shenandoah Mountains were just beautiful.  We have spent time here before and we are getting more anxious to get to Raleigh, NC so we only spent and over night in mountain camp ground.  They did have a “Jumping Pillow” .  So fun!!!  It was a 40 x 30 puff that you can run and jump on (no shoes of course).  If you ever see one of these ---- put on your kid brain and jump!

26 SEP 2011    

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